Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ancient Rome and Pompeii Scavi

While studying in the city of Rome, I have learned a lot about ancient Rome.  Before Rome came to its fall, it was the most powerful empire.  There were many different social classes.  These particular classes had divided people from each other.  It had separated people depending on if they were rich or poor.  The richer the people were the more they were considered important to society.
After visiting Pompeii, I had realized its ancient history.  Pompeii seemed to have been more interesting than Ancient Rome.  The social classes had been very similar to Ancient Rome.  The people of Pompeii loved to show off by acknowledging who had money and who did not.  Before the volcano had erupted, it was a great city with many activities for pleasure and entertainment.  There were private shops, markets, public baths, an amplitheater, etc.  It did not seem to have been a very put together city like Rome had been.There are many similarities of ancient Rome and Pompeii.  In both cities, a great way to gain happiness was eating and drinking good food and wine.  Still today, Rome is known for great food and wine. 
Pompeii and Rome also have a few differences. While visiting Pompeii, I noticed that sex had been used for great pleasure.  In fact, they had certain rooms where one would chose which position they wanted.  A man would pay and then go into a room of concrete with a woman who was a prostitute.  A main priority in Pompeii had been sex. It seems to me that Pompeii had been more laid back than what ancient Rome had been.
I have come to realize that both ancient Rome and Pompeii had many similarities and also many differences.  Rome had been a city of power while Pompeii had very little.  Pompeii seemed to be more of a vacation spot for entertainment and pleasure.  Ancient Rome was a place of religion.  Both cities have a lot of history and I find it to be very interesting to have had the opportunity to learned about both ancient cultures.