Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog #2

As a traveler in a different country, I feel that the city of Rome is very exhilarating.  Rome is the most beautiful city I have ever seen in my entire life.  It is full of ancient history and so many incredible sights to see.   Rome seems to always be entertaining and busy.  There is almost always activities going on everywhere you look.    Because of Rome’s ancient history, it seems very incredible that so many monuments are still standing after thousands of years.
                During the past two weeks in this city, we have visited many different locations such as the Colosseum, Forum, the Spanish Steps, fountains and two of the Capitoline museums.   The Colosseum and Forum are both ancient monuments that towered over us.  I found both to be extremely amazing because of how massive and ancient they are. The Spanish steps lead to the French church, Trinità  dei Monti. These steps are full of people snapping photo shots and sitting to rest.  My favorite sights are the fountains.  The fountains have such great artistic value of history.  The Capitoline museums are also very beautiful!  These museums are the Roman’s ancient history that has been traced back from Rome’s best treasures.  The museums have beautiful artwork such as paintings, sculptures, statues, etc.  I feel that there is so much to see and so little time.  Rome is full of beautiful sights and covered
                Every aspect in Rome is so new and different to me.  I am always amazed by everything I see.  Not once have I felt oppressed in this city.  This city is so beautiful and full of sight-seeing.  Ancient buildings are surrounding the city which were rebuilt and transformed.  By learning about thousands of years ago, I feel that my knowledge has expanded.  In a certain way, I now feel as a different person.
                While studying in Rome, I have learned that I need to empty my and mind and just let the city soak into me.  Learning about the culture is an amazing experience.  When seeing all of the art and buildings, its puts my mind into a different place and I see things in a different perspective.  The entire city is full of different history which makes it so unique.  Overall, Rome is the most amazing place I have ever set foot.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Reflection #1

As an American visiting the Colosseum for the very first time in Rome, I no longer felt that it was only a large foundation of concrete that was built thousands of years ago. I was informed by our guide that the Colosseum was designed for entertaining the public crowds and was held by emperors such as Titus. They chose exotic animals which included lions, cheatahs, jaguars, elephants, etc. and ended with a fight to death with the gladiators. The Colosseum was the first ampitheater to ever be built in Rome and could hold 80,000 spectators.

I came to realize that the Colosseum was actually built for a specific reason and was very important to the Romans. It is very interesting to understand what people did for fun thousands of years ago and why they did it. I could relate to them because of what some people do now for fun such as bull fights, cockfights, etc. I feel that these death fights thrilled them because it was unusual for the gladiator to survive. Overall, I really loved visiting the Colosseum because I got a better feel of how the people were in that time period and realized they were very similar to us now days.