Monday, November 29, 2010

Worldwide and Global Institution

I believe that the Catholic Church is both a worldwide and Roman institution.    The Roman Catholic Church is known as the largest religion in the world with more than a billion members.  The Catholic community includes about half of the entire world’s Christians.  The number of members in the Catholic church has remained stable for several of decades.
The Catholic Church is also a Roman institution because it is centered in the city of Rome.  Catholicism is led by the pope, which is known as the bishop of Rome.  Rome is the apostolic center of the world-wide Church of Christ.  The Pope is in charge of serving the bishops as their leader. This allows the city of Rome to be the center and also the leader.  All of the most conclusive decisions always go straight to the Pope.  St. Peter, the apostle had preached in Rome. St. Peter had been the first bishop of Rome and the first Pope.  In the city, there are many sights which revolve around the Catholic Church, which include the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican.
The Catholic Church is worldwide even though it is centered in the city of Rome.  As mentioned before, Catholicism is the largest religion in the world. It is one of the oldest continuous religious institutions known in the entire world.  Catholicism takes up the majority religion of Italy, Spain, and all Latin American countries.  It is a well known fact that in the United States, the majority of people are Catholic. 
Overall, I believe that the Catholic Church is a worldwide and Roman institution. Catholicism is one of the world’s oldest religions.  It is the most known and is practiced all over the world.  In almost every country there are bishops, priests, monks, brothers, sisters, etc.  practicing the faith of Catholicism.   This religion is the center of most religions, and other religions go off from it for ideas.  The Catholic Church has grown extravagantly over the years, and will continue.  It is the largest of all religions in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I liked the use of facts and data that you used. I had no idea that there were more than a billion members. I also agree that the sites people seem to come to see the most are based in the Catholic Church. St Peter’s is well known across the world. People know about it even if they aren’t Catholic, and people sometimes come to Rome specifically see this. And it is a worldwide institution because of all the diverse people we seem to see within the Vatican, in St Peter’s and at the Papal Audience.
